Personal Leadership History Report
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WRITE MY ESSAYDiscuss leadership experiences, what you learned from them, factors that influenced how you led, and how you look back on that leadership experience. This does not have to cover your entire leadership experience, but should cover enough to write the Personal Leadership Portfolio assignment. Be sure to read the requirements for that assignment before you complete the Personal Leadership History Report. Be careful not to focus on a leadership style in general, but discuss specific personal leadership experiences, both positive and negative, successes and failures. Be sure that your conclusion focuses on summing up your points on leadership discussed in the essay, not just a style. This is an essay on leadership, not management; sometimes the distinction is a fine line.
The personal leadership history report will review your leadership experiences and describes your leadership style during those experiences. The body of the personal leadership history report shall be 5-7 pages, excluding other material such as the cover page, table of contents, graphics and tables, and references. The paper shall be presented in APA (6th edition) format, all margins should be 1”, 12 point font, and be in either Arial or New Times Roman font style. In the following descending order of preference, information sources must be either peer-reviewed articles, government reports, or other sources approved by your instructor. Internet information sources from other than authoritative sources are discouraged. See the Research Paper grading rubric for more information.
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