research paper: Major causes of poverty in Turkey

Major causes of poverty in Turkey

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Major causes of poverty in Turkey. Topic selection ü You will submit your paper topic by using the following google form: You have to be logged in with your google account to be able to use the form. ü Late submission of the paper topic is penalized with the subtraction of one point per day from your final paper score.

• Proposal (abstract/outline) ü The proposal should be 300-400 words long. You do not need to provide references in your abstract. ü You will submit your proposal as a softcopy via The class ID is “10852379“. The password is “development”. ü The abstract will be evaluated on a pass/fail basis. ü Late submission of the abstract is penalized with the subtraction of one point per day from your final paper score.

• Format ü The paper should be approximately 3000 words long, including everything. ü You are advised to use standard margins, 12pt, Times New Roman font, and doublespacing. ü On the first page of your paper, include your identity information: your name, KUSIS ID number, student ID number, and course code. Also, include the word count of your paper on the first page.

• Structure ü The paper should ideally have four sections: An introduction, two main sections, and a conclusion.

• Content ü Avoid repetition and unnecessary detail. Only include details that are relevant to your argument.

• References ü Make sure you only include references you have actually used. ü Use high-quality sources, such as academic literature, reports (e.g. by the World Bank, OECD, etc.) and sectoral publications. If you do need to draw on newspaper articles (for instance, because you are writing about very recent events and developments), then make sure you are drawing on high-quality publications.

• Submission ü As a hard copy to the TA, during class, during office hour or by appointment. ü As a soft copy, via The class ID is “10852379“. The password is “development”. ü The time of submission of the soft copy counts as your submission time.

• Scoring ü The paper is scored out of 100 points. ü Late submission of the final paper is penalized with the subtraction of one point per day from the final paper score.

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