Writing a Research Proposal

Writing a Research Proposal

Research Proposal. Read “A 15-Step Model for Writing a Research Proposal in this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings.

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Submit a 2800- to 3500-word research proposal on a human-services-related topic of your choice. Include the following:

•    Title page

•    Abstract

•    Introduction and literature review:

o    Refer to the Learning Team assignments for Week Two: Research Problem and Literature Review.

o    Make sure that this section address the following:

•    Background information on the topic area

•    Scope/rationale for the proposal or importance of the study

•    Statement of the research question /hypothesis/research problem

•    Methodology

o    Participants or target population (age, gender, inclusion and exclusion criteria, and so on)

o    Recruitment and informed consent process

o    Sampling method and sample size

o    Research design, including independent variable(s) and dependent variable(s)

o    Instrumentation or data collection methods (including data collection time points, reliability and validity)

•    Proposed data analyses

o    Descriptive statistics

o     Inferential statistics

o    Predicted findings

•    Timeline for the proposed study

•    References

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines and include a title page and a reference page (No abstract is necessary).

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